Earn Income on your RRSPs and TFSAs
As a leader in private lending, Canadian Mortgages Inc (CMI) offers retail and private investors access to investment assets that are eligible for inclusion in registered retirement plans (RRSPs) and Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs).
The CMI Mortgage Investment Corporation (MIC) offers a family of three diverse funds allowing investors to access Canadian real estate markets and take advantage of economies of scale not typically available to individuals. Investing into one of our MIC funds with your RRSP capital could be a great way to grow and diversify your portfolio. CMI MIC Funds also offer a DRIP (dividend reinvestment plan), which provides investors a compounding rate of return.
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3 Portfolios designed to meet your investment objectives
High Yield
w.Avg LTV
Risk Profile
Dividends Paid
FundServ Codes
***All funds are TFSA/RRSP/RRIF eligible

Why Invest With CMI
When you invest with CMI, you can rely on our extensive experience in the mortgage industry, which has historically produced consistent and appreciable returns through our prudent underwriting and due diligence processes. Our MIC funds emphasize capital preservation and diversification while targeting attractive, consistent returns over the long term.
Our experienced management team oversees each of our three MIC funds, managing all aspects of our operation from asset selection to administration and mortgage servicing. As a result of this careful monitoring, the CMI MIC Fund managers have a loan loss rate of less than 1% since inception.
Shares in our CMI MIC Funds are offered via registered securities dealers and issued contingent upon the investor qualifying. Minimum investment: $5,000. Investments can be made in cash or registered funds via a qualified trustee. CMI MIC Funds offer penalty free redemptions after 12 months, redemptions are processed quarterly with 30 days’ notice
CMI Mortgage Investments Program
Investors today face the tough challenge of navigating a volatile equity market and a historically low interest rate environment. To offset these obstacles, investors are increasingly exploring alternative investment options such as MICs, which capitalize on Canada’s attractive real estate market.
As regulated financial institutions continue to tighten mortgage lending guidelines and credit availability, the private lending market will increase in volume, as will the availability of quality mortgages for MICs.
The CMI Difference
portfolio of 0.1%
Almost $2B in mortgagesoriginated by CMI across
all funding platforms
Balanced national portfolioswith high growth rates
Full-service investmentfund - turnkey process